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The original inspiration for this blog was Brandon Mcguire's excellent account of his BCT and AIT experiences at, which I highly suggest you check out.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Land Navigation and Basic Training Hookups

January 26, 2013- So today was busy damn day! Wake up was at 0230, formation by 0300 and we were marching out to the Corregidor Land Navigation Training Course. We marched about 2.5 to 3 miles out there, then waited a bit for another company to finish up. By the time we got on the course, it was just before 0500 and it was pitch black in the forest. We were equipped with our flashlights (using the muted red lens only for plotting courses), our maps, protractors, and gloves. It was about 30 degrees when DS Action Man dropped us off at our start points in groups of two. Oh, and my battle buddy barely spoke English 'cause he's going into the Puerto Rican National Guard. He's a good guy, but it was basically all up to me to find our points. And you didn't get to eat breakfast until you found all five nav points. When we started, I had no idea what I was doing, but after wandering aimlessly for like an hour or so in sub freezing temperatures, I started to figure things out and we cam back around two and a half hours after setting out.  Everyone got a hot breakfast from the mobile catering containers that the Army calls "Hot A's" or "mermites." The new went back out to daytime land nav. This time, I was on top of it and we got done about an hour and a half into the three hour time period allotted, so me and PVT Boricua (called him that since he's from Puerto Rico) found a nice spot to lay down in the woods and took a nap for like 30 to 45 minutes at least. The sun came out and it was entirely bearable to be laying down out there with a log for a pillow. It was actually peaceful out there, just to be surrounded by quiet and lost in the woods. When we got back, we weren't even the last team to come back. That was the honor that went to the really hopelessly lost and those unable to use a compass or those who were going to make out or mess around in the woods. Yes, even though there are strict policies about fraternization with recruits of the opposite gender, some idiots still feel the need to try and get some action in the cold ass forest, behind the dining facility or the dumpsters, even holding hands on the sly in the back of crowded instructional formations. Those people can get chaptered out of the Army for this but they still try to push it. A guy in the bunk next to me has a "basic training girlfriend" which is more stupid than I can even explain. I'm so glad I have my wife and don't need to be concerned with any of that stuff. :)

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