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The original inspiration for this blog was Brandon Mcguire's excellent account of his BCT and AIT experiences at, which I highly suggest you check out.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Mistaken Identity

Wednesday February 27, 2013- So, we're here learning how to clean and take apart the M249 machine gun. Earlier today, we held and practiced aiming the At-4 anti-tank rocket launcher and the M203 grenade launcher attachment for the M16 rifle. Last week we practiced throwing grenades and on Friday we're going to fire all of these weapons. I used to just play Call of Duty and now, I'm living it! Lol. Thanks go out to PVT Unknown for showing me how to disassemble the M249. Unknown gets his nickname from the fact that he successfully went about 4 weeks in 1st Platoon and someone asked him if he was a new guy. Then after being here SIX weeks, he went to ask DS Action Man for something and was told "Go ask your Drill Sergeant!" To that he replied "But you ARE my Drill Sergeant!" which caused DS Action Man and DS Punisher to breakout into laughter. DS Punisher, by the way, gets his name for the fact that he seems to be the most physically punishing DS to his platoon. They always seems to be doing push ups or some kind of physical exercise as punishment. But they pretty much deserve it because they're always talking and doing the wrong thing. I'm glad I'm not in that platoon, 'cause it would be super frustrating to get in trouble so often because other people can't just keep their mouths shut sometimes.

So, some things have changed around here lately. Since PVT Pixie is going home to recuperate from a broken leg bone, PVT Seducer has been promoted to Assistant Platoon Guide. This works out pretty well because, while PVT Tactics is a great P.G., he's not always loud enough vocally for the whole platoon to get the info he's trying to convey. Since PVT Seducer has absolutely no problem being loud sometimes, they complement each other pretty well. We also got broken up into four squads of eight to ten, squad leaders and team leaders were appointed as well. So, PVT Razorback, PVT Maestro and myself were all made team leaders. Team leaders are responsible for three to four other soldiers, keeping track of them and their gear and reporting to the squad leader. It's not a lot of work really, unless we're out in the field.

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