Tuesday March 25, 2013- Hello all, wife here. :) As you may or may not know already, our narrator graduated from BCT on March 21, 2013. He is settled in at AIT, and will hopefully resume blog writing (he'll actually be doing all the typing now, not me!) very soon. They have more freedom there, but internet time is hard to get, so please be patient. He's determined to write some more about the BCT experience, a summary of sorts, as well as highlights and lowlights we haven't heard yet. He will be documenting his entire AIT experience as well, so we can have an idea what he is going through fro the next 16 weeks. If you are a family member of a soldier he was in BCT with, thank you so much for reading and supporting his blog. It was nice to meet many of you at Graduation, and please feel free to continue to read, even if your soldier is at a different AIT site.
Thank you to everyone who has supported him so far, and for your continued support for him and his new career path. This journey has changed him so much already, in ways you'll hear about, and some you won't (you wouldn't believe how amazing he looks now, at least 25 pounds lost and 10 in muscle put back on, woowie!) He relies on the love and support of friends, family and even the readers of this blog to keep him pushing forward. I can't wait to read what is coming next!
This blog is intended to document my experiences in Army Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training. My hope is that it may prove useful to someone looking for info, advice or a quick laugh at my expense. ALL names mentioned in this blog have been changed for protection of privacy.
Contact Info
If you have a question please feel free to leave a comment or email me at thegoodthebadandthearmy@yahoo.com
The original inspiration for this blog was Brandon Mcguire's excellent account of his BCT and AIT experiences at mcguires5.com, which I highly suggest you check out.
Hi Kat ... Just want to thank you for posting James' letters to you in this blog. This blog kept us updated together with my son's letters. My son Emmanuel has very fond memories of their time together in BCT, specially since James was his bay-mate.