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The original inspiration for this blog was Brandon Mcguire's excellent account of his BCT and AIT experiences at, which I highly suggest you check out.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Reception is Over

January 13, 2013- We're at Reception still and waiting to ship out to basic tomorrow. Everyone is talking about it and you can feel the nervousness/excitement in the air. We've been issued all of our gear and crammed it into our duffel bags. We wore our ACUs for the first time today and I must admit, it was really great to feel like a soldier all day even if I am just a lowly private. We had church, which was good, except I was so tired and was fighting to stay awake. But it turns out at the end of service about a dozen soldiers got saved and the chaplain had every other soldier in attendance shake their hand on the way out. I thought that was nice. It was like 200 soldiers that congratulated them. Then I went to the Bible study they had which was awesome. And then I got back and realized everyone else had been packing their duffel bags and I didn't get that chance because the Bible study ran long. Thankfully, when the DS on duty heard why I was late, she was lenient and said to just pack it up and get my bag in line with all the other soldier's bags to be taken to basic tomorrow.  Then I realized that I had missed lunch. NOOOOO!! Everything worked out okay though and I was able to eat with the last of the LDS service soldiers. I don't think I make a very convincing Mormon though. Lol.

Funny moments:
"Shut the hell up and walk in a single file line! You're not on the damn block anymore!" (Our female DS yelling at some female recruits who were laughing and talking loudly after lunch on their way back from the DFAC.)

"Why aren't there any pregnant midget strippers?" (One of the other recruits talking to another about opening up a strip club and ideas about themes.)

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